Tuesday, November 17, 2015

World Prematurity Day 2015

Tonight, on World Prematurity Day, we are thankful for the preemies that won the fight against prematurity.  Jase, born at 23 weeks had less then a 15% chance of survival.  When he was born he couldn't cry and depended on life-saving machines to breathe for him.  I cried a lot.  I was scared.  I had every emotion and yet didn't understand half of what I was feeling.

We were told the risk of disabilities, the chance for survival and the unknowns for the future.  As a family, we chose to fight.  I am so thankful that we did.  I know that there are still many unknowns for the future, but tonight, I am thankful for the gift of life that is our little boy.

We also remember the preemies that lost their fight to prematurity.  Whose little bodies and souls wanted to stay, but were tired and couldn't continue to fight.  I am thankful that I am the mother of 3 preemies.  Our hope and prayer is that no parent has to say goodbye due to prematurity and that every child wins.

I am blessed.