Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Happy Homecoming Day!


Today, marks 2 years since we came home from the NICU. 
January 19, 2014 was our Homecoming Day.  
And what a marvelous day it was.  

It seems like forever ago, it feels like it was only yesterday.  I sat on the couch last night and I went through pictures of where we were and where we are now.  It is amazing how you forget small details until you see pictures that were captured in that moment.

It seems like only yesterday, we were walking out those NICU doors - unsure of what the future would bring. We were saying goodbye to nurses and doctors, that in the last 4 + months had become friends.  Those, who loved our child, as much as we did.  Many of the Jase's primary nurses had also cared for Kaleb.  It was an emotional moment - It was a happy moment and it was a sad moment.  The tears you see above, they were a result of many emotions.  But most of all, they were tears of - we are actually taking our baby home.

Because 4 months prior, on the day, September 19, 2013, Kaleb had also went home.  
To his heavenly home.


Today, 2 years later.  We are BLESSED.

Jase is doing amazing!  He no longer sees pulmonologist or a cardiologist. He now only sees the pediatrician for well-child checks and physical therapy for continued core strength and gross motor skills.

He loves to play with other children, he loves to eat and he loves to play and learn.  He likes to play the iPad with Mama and Daddy and he loves bath time.  He can point out the letters J-A-S-E, as well as the Z for Zellmer.  The letter T and O also seem to be his favorite.  We like to count to 10, but he really only cares about 1, 2, 3.  He loves his family and is growing and learning every day.  It is hard to believe that next year when I write this Happy Homecoming Update, he will be in preschool!

For every dream in our heart, God gives us inspiration.  For every hope we seek, God gives us miracles.  Although our journey to this moment was unexpected and unplanned, we are blessed with a healthy and happy (former 23 week) 2 year old miracle!

May we always continue to feel God's blessings. 
Love, Melissa