July 1st -
Legos and Singing on a Friday Morning
NO PT for Jase this morning -
Jase doesn't like his picture taken and he refuses to do anything if the camera is pointed at him.
Don't worry, I got him to sing without noticing what I was up to.
And off he goes to have breakfast with Grandma Belinda at Grandma Emma's house.
July 2nd -
What's better then sleeping in on Saturday Morning,
while listening to the much needed rain patter against the window?
Daddy making Saturday Morning Blueberry Pancakes.
Jase must really like them, this is is his second pancake!

Home of the Free - Land of the Brave.
July 6th - Another Zoo Day with our friend Noah and his sweet mama!
We enjoyed Zombie Burger and then chose a very HOT day to go to the zoo.
We braved the heat and the boys had an amazing time.
Friends and Fireworks!
July 6th - Another Zoo Day with our friend Noah and his sweet mama!
We enjoyed Zombie Burger and then chose a very HOT day to go to the zoo.
We braved the heat and the boys had an amazing time.
AHHH - Mama, there is a huge tiger behind me!
He touched the giant millipede from the Amazon
and then splashed in some puddles.
We ended our Zoo Adventure with the Curious George Exhibit and the Playground!
July 8th - Another Day - Another Trip to Des Moines!
Since Jase had PT with Jill, I decided it was a great opportunity for a trip to Home Depot.
Jase really wasn't in the mood.
Since Jase had PT with Jill, I decided it was a great opportunity for a trip to Home Depot.
Jase really wasn't in the mood.
We headed home for a much needed nap and then dinner with Mama while she worked at the Elks.
Cuddles and IPAD games with Mama. No more pictures Mama!
Following a visit to Great Grandma Emma we played in the sand box.
Jase asked me to share this picture with Grandma because he was covered in sand.
Followed by Jase's First Movie at the Movie Theater.
The Secret Life of Pets
It's been a great week. July has been amazing for our family!
Thanks for letting us share our life in pictures -