Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Am I Hungry?

Well, last Tuesday, I took the weight loss plunge.
Trying to be skinny in a fat world...
I signed up for liposuction and a tummy tuck.


Two days before Thanksgiving, I started Weight Watchers.
I am sure you are shocked and like most comments I have received, are asking yourself,
WHY would anyone start Weight Watchers two days before Thanksgiving?

Well, because...

Because I refuse to gain 15 pounds this holiday season,
eating and drinking whatever I want - whenever I want.

Because I refuse to feel horrible on January 1st
because I am am just a little bit farther from my weight loss goal instead of closer.  

Because I would be happy just to maintain my weight during the holidays.
Oh wait, who am I kidding - I want to loose weight.

Because it is time to take my health back.  My family has endured many diagnoses during the last few weeks.  This has made it difficult for me to ignore that diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, and cancer that runs in my family.

Because many nights I work until 2 am - skipping meals, eating junk food, and
I am surviving on high calorie food while making trips back and forth to DSM with Jase.  

Because I am a stay at home mama, who always puts her family first, often times, eating the leftovers off Jase's plate at the sink. (NO JUDGING) Don't worry, I finished my plate first.

Because enough is enough and I don't want to buy bigger clothes.

Because I want to wear a swimsuit on vacation with Jase this summer.

AND, Because as a family, we need to make strides to be healthier together.

Those are my reasons WHY. 
AND in the next few weeks, I am going to attempt to try many weight watcher recipes, to still create good food and share, but to do it with all smart points included.


I need to be accountable - So here I am tracking my progress and I am sharing it with you. Tonight is my first weigh in and post 5 days since Thanksgiving.  Here is to a lighter me (hopefully)!!

Feel free to share your favorite recipes with me!!


In my part to be accountable - Here is my before picture.
Not the best picture, because I hadn't planned on being accountable with pictures,
 but to show that I did wear the tightest pair of pants in my closet to Thanksgiving Dinner. :)