Monday, August 26, 2013

Week #32, #33, #34 of 2013

Here is a short update on my life….. It really is hard to type when I am lying down.  Let me explain -

Week #32 -   I went to the doctor on August 13th.  Bad News Tuesday - They told me that in just 2 weeks my cervix was funneling.  See, I  should have begged harder to be seen last week! Thankfully the stitch was holding, but baby A was head down and his head was against the cerclage.  I was sent home on strict bed rest.  I am so scared.  I can do this - I will do whatever it takes to keep the babies inside.  It has been really hard to blog while on bed rest - let me say there was nothing interesting going on… Some Criminal Minds, What Not to Wear and my NOOK.

Week #33 - This week I am 21 weeks pregnant:  August 21, 2013 - Today is Carter's birthday.  My family has stopped by and brought pizza and cake.  IT really is hard to eat lying down, but I am doing it.  I have limited my time up to going to the bathroom and 5 minute showers every other day.  How I miss my Carter baby and I feel extremely uncomfortable this week.  I wish I didn't live so far away from the hospital!  Very thankful that I go to the doctor on Monday.  One year ago today, Carter was born at 21 weeks 4 days - Today the twins gestation is 21 weeks 4 days.  Happy Birthday Carter - WE LOVE YOU.  Watch over your brothers for me please!  WOW it is hard to type like this!

Week #34 - Today, August 26th, I have a lot of anxiety.  I am now 22 to weeks pregnant and scared senseless.  Every feeling, every symptom I question and I although google can sometimes be helpful, now it just makes me anxious as I worry about preterm labor.  I am in the hospital - on hospital bed rest.  After my appointment, it was noted that my cervix was contracting and funneling past the stitch and sent directly to the hospital.  It turns out all of those uncomfortable feelings that I felt on Carter's birthday were contractions and I have been having them ever since.  I am measuring 34 weeks pregnant.  UGH - I guess I won't be blogging much - just praying!  Two weeks until viability - I CAN DO THIS - I WILL DO THIS!

Until Next Time Friends - Thank you for your continual prayers and support!

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