Sunday, March 2, 2014

Chili Dog Pizza

This is my newest craving….  Let me say, I made chili the other night.  It was amazing and thick and very tasty.  But, as with anytime you make chili... at least when we make chili - there is always left overs!  I was wondering what I could do with the leftover chili, so I began to search the internet for recipes.  I heard some one say chili dog pizza…. HMMM - Now I am intrigued.  After searching many recipes, I finally made it my own.


1 pizza crust (I used a can Pillsbury Refrigerator Pizza Crust)
1 package of hot dogs (I am a big fan of all beef hot dogs)
Sweet Relish
Ketchup and Mustard
Chili - (If you don't have leftover chili - Hormel Chili will work just fine!)
Medium Diced Onion
Olive Oil

Feel free to only use the condiments above that you like, but let me say… the relish adds a zing that makes the pizza great!

1.  On a pizza pan, lightly greased, roll out the pizza crust.

2.  Slice Hot Dogs.  I only used 4 of the hot dogs and sliced them thinly.  Next time, I may use all 8 hot dogs and slice them a little thicker.

3.  Sprinkle hot dogs on pie crust and drizzle hot dogs and crust with olive oil.  I used a garlic flavor olive oil.

4.  Bake crust/dogs according to package - or until the crust is golden brown (15 Minutes).

5.  While baking - Heat up chili in a sauce pan for 4-5 minutes.

6. Remove pizza crust from oven - Spread sweet relish over the pizza, as much or as little as you prefer.    (You could also dice up dill pickles instead of relish…but I am partial to the relish)

7.  Lightly squirt ketchup and mustard, drizzling across the hot dogs and relish.

8.  Spoon chili over the crust - spreading evenly.  (If you are using leftover chili - make sure you use the thicker part of the chili.)

9.  Sprinkle with diced onions and cover with cheese.  I always use Colby Jack - but your favorite cheese should be used.

10.  Bake for 2-3 more minutes or until cheese is melted.  Slice and Enjoy.

I hope you like this recipe as much as I did.  Remember, I take a bunch of recipes from the internet and combine them to make my own…. so a google search may give you a different recipe.  I would love feedback if you decide to try this recipe!

I will post pictures after I am done uploading them to my computer!

PS - I'm BACK - I am definitely going to start blogging again! :) Enjoy your pizza!  Love, Melissa

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