Friday, June 9, 2017

18 Weeks!

Here I am!!! 18 weeks pregnant and almost to the half way point - my halfway point!  

A lot has happened since I updated last.  
Of course if you are on my Facebook page,  you know as much as I do about this pregnancy.

At 16 weeks pregnant, we started weekly progesterone shots!
I am thankful that I haven't had an side effects from the shot, 
and I secretly believe that Nurse Brennon enjoys giving the shot every Friday morning.

At 16 weeks, we also found out Baby #4 is a BOY!
Jase is pumped to be a big brother, and he has told us all along that this baby was a boy, 
even though, mom and dad was sure the baby was a girl.
We have our names narrowed down - who knew that naming boy #4 would be so difficult?!

I am still hanging out in my bed / chair - allowed up for 2 hours at a time.
I feel really good - I don't feel high risk, and I know I have a couple more weeks before the baby is big enough to cause changes to my cervix - but I am following this advice to give my cervix as much relief as possible because I will stay pregnant until 37 weeks! We are extremely hopeful that the cerclage, progesterone, pelvic rest and restriction activity will allow us to carry to term.

I am still practicing my daily affirmations of Faith.  I will stay pregnant until 37 Weeks!
I have a great team of doctors who are knowledgeable and care about me and the well-being of this baby and pregnancy.

In my heart, I also know that this baby was a gift from God.  Brennon and I were sure that we would not have anymore children.  We were always told, that we couldn't have an unplanned pregnancy with out doctors, timed sex and monitoring.  Now, I know that we can.  

When we least expected it, we became pregnant.

I remember when we were struggling with infertility, well-wishers would always say, "It will happen when you least expect it" - I hated that comment.  I wanted a baby now, not when I stopped trying.  And here we are expecting - when we least expected.
Who knew, loosing 35 lbs, finding peace with having just Jase, and a few beers would allow us this blessing. 

I feel different this time - maybe because I wasn't forcing my body to get pregnant with Femera, or timing my sex during ovulation, or every other day, making sex a chore you marked on the calendar, accepting that we were blessed with our family exactly how it was. 

Maybe it is overcoming the disappointment of the unknown and owning this pregnancy, knowing that with God on my side, the best doctors, and a loving, dedicated husband we can overcome all obstacles in our way.

Hey, guess what.  I think I have found my zen in the second trimester!

And, my blood pressure has never been so great.

Up Next:
Tuesday, June 13th -  Anatomy Scan - Praying for a healthy baby and strong cervical length!

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