He weighs between 2.5 and 3 lbs!
Yesterday we had a baby appointment in Des Moines at 28 weeks 4 days. I like to say that by date of conception we are more like 29 weeks 1 day but... it's only a few days, and i know every day in the womb is worth 3 days in the NICU, so we are extremely thankful that baby is still where he is supposed to be.
We scheduled our c-section yesterday, and I am extremely hopeful that we will make it! I hate to talk to much about it, in fear of jinxing the positive of a full-term birth... but I will say we have 58 days left!


Jase will have his 4 year old birthday in two weeks! He is excited to be 4 and he is really excited to start this year at Creative Beginnings in the afternoon 4-year old preschool program.
He can count to 100, loves his ABC's and is starting to read. He loves to sound out words, knows a lot of sight words and starting to put words together in books. We are extremely blessed that our once 23-weeker, with an unknown future, is showing so much growth!
He continues to attend physical therapy in Des Moines and continues to show growth. Although, he physically doesn't run and jump like his peers - we know that it is only a matter of time before he catches up. He enjoys his time with Liz and Jill and is excited to play every week.
Life for Daddy is the busiest. Not only does he work his full-time job, he continues to cook at the Elks twice a week for his part-time job. Speaking of a part-time job, he won't be going anywhere for a few years, since he called me on Monday and told me he bought a new car. His truck was not able to safely hold two carseats, the bottom was rusting out, and I'm pretty sure it was days away from not working anymore, so he purchased a Chevy Traverse. Jase was not happy, and continuously said he did not like the new car. He wanted Daddy to buy a red truck. Sorry Jase! As much as I hate having another payment, it makes me extremely happy that we have another reliable car if we need it. The truck couldn't leave town, so if I was in DSM with an emergency, Daddy would have to borrow someone's car to meet us there. With a baby on the way, it was a great opportunity for our family.
He has been awesome the last few months, keeping up with two jobs, cooking dinner nightly for his family and trying to keep our house organized and clean.... That being said, he is extremely busy, if you stop by for a visit, expect toys to be everywhere, dishes in the sink, and dust bunnies everywhere!
That's all folks!
Not very exciting, but I have waited a long time for a long and boring pregnancy. We continue to pray daily for the health of our baby and our family. We pray that this is the pregnancy we take home a term baby from the hospital. We are thankful for God's presence and protection in our lives. We are thankful for our team of doctors, for our family for helping us in so many ways, and for our friends for being there for us.
Next appointments:
September 6th - 30 week OB Appointment
September 19th - 32 week Growth Scan and OB Appointment
---- followed by hopefully only two more appointments until c-section!!
We will make it!!
All positive thoughts and prayers appreciated as baby continues to grow -
Until next time friends!
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