Monday, May 6, 2013

Thought for Week #18 of 2013 :)

It is the 18th Monday of 2013 - Can you believe that it is May?   I am amazed that we are already 5 months into the new year.  I am even more amazed that it was snowing on the second day of May and the third day of May.  And today, we are blessed with 70 degree temps.  I am pretty sure the sun needs to stay around awhile.  I don't know maybe 4-5 months.  If winter is still showing it's face in May,  summer should show it's face in October?  Sure does sound good to me.

I really don't have a lot to talk about today.  This may be one of those posts where I add a little more each day.  During the last week, I have been sick.  :(  Complete with a sore throat, head and chest congestion, sneezy, runny nose, and coughing.  The only thing I have to share about that - ONION SANDWICH.... Sounds nasty right?  

Well, before I share - let me tell you the remedies that did not work.  I started to feel a sore throat on Monday and Tuesday and it was still there on Wednesday. I truly believe that Wednesday was the beginning of my little sick adventure. I wasn't horribly sick on Wednesday - my symptoms were just a little annoying.  I went to work on Thursday - for 1 hour. :)  I couldn't take it - I knew it... I was SICK.  I went to Wal-Mart for cough drops, kleenex, a vaporizer and a neti pot.  I was willing to try almost anything.  The neti pot worked okay for the first day.  Although, I will tell you - that it is almost impossible to position your head so that lovely solution doesn't run down your throat!  And then dinnertime came, all I did was eat soup..... and then I was overheated....and then I couldn't breath.  I spent the evening throwing up.   Friday, I attempted to go to work. Brennon told me to stay home... and of course I didn't listen.  I even sat in the bathroom holding my head up with my hair dryer.  (Let me say, it was not a good hair day!)  Even though I was a little late, I made it to work.  Again, I only made it an hour before I realized that I was sweating, and all of the symptoms continued to intensify.  What was I thinking - it was time to head home.  So, Friday, I decided it was vicks vapor rub day.  Under my nose and on my chest.  The problem, you ask? I couldn't smell it.  I continued to steam my nose over a teapot and watch the skin slowly peel away from underneath my nose.  Overall - I was pretty upset with my sinuses.  I am pretty sure I don't need to share more of my snotty symptoms, after every home remedy possible, I still felt horrible 2 days later.  On Sunday, my nurse friend, Marla reminded me that an onion sandwich is her best nurse advice.  So I peeled and sliced an onion.  Placed gently between 2 pieces of bread and smothered that onion with mustard.  I took one long look, and opened my mouth... AND I ate an onion sandwich.  Not the most wonderful thing in the world to eat, but it worked!  I felt almost normal - except my breath really did smell pretty awful!

After being in the house for 4 days straight - I needed out.  I loaded the dishwasher, made the bed, picked up a million kleenex that some how didn't make it in the trash, and I felt pretty good.  All of that was made possible because of an onion sandwich. I even begged Brennon to go to Casa De Oro for Cinco De Mayo and some cheese dip and chips.  It was honestly the highlight of the last week.

SO, that was my week in review.  I was hoping to tell you about time spent with family, maybe a family dinner.  I was hoping to share a new recipe, and entertain you with my great ideas for May baskets.  Is it appropriate to send May baskets on May 8th?  I was really looking forward to doing that this year.  But, I didn't do any of that.... because my week in review is best said between the couch and the bed.  I miss my friends, I miss my family, and I miss being outside.  My goal for this week, is to take advantage of all of those things I missed.  

Oh - really what I am I complaining about - I feel better today and I am not sick very often.  I don't have a thought for the week, except to be kind to one another.  (Can you tell I have been watching Ellen on my days off from work?)  Life really is to short to be anything but happy, to be anything but kind, and to always trust in God.  I know that it continues to be the best New Year's resolution I have ever had.  Each day, I wake up knowing that God will provide.  He will give me what I need, not always what I want, but what I need.  He will help me through those difficult moments.  I truly am a stronger person then I was a year ago. So, I guess my thought for today is.... Today, I am not going to ask God for anything - instead I am going to thank him for all the blessings he has bestowed upon me.

I hope you have a wonderful week!  Love, Melissa

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