Thursday, June 30, 2016

The End of June - Our Summer Shenangians

Time to enjoy another week in pictures!  It really is hard to believe that today is the last day of June.
We have had an amazing month - thanks for allowing us to share our summer shenanigans with you.

June 26th -

Jase ordered his own ice cream cone this time. 
 I am beginning to see a summer Sunday night tradition here.
A trip to DQ in our pj's

June 27th -

A little boy and a vacuum.
I am so thankful he likes to help me clean!

Today, was also the first time since I burnt my foot that I have been able to put on tennis shoes!
I was so excited, we walked to Casey's for lunch.
Jase was pumped for pizza, chips and water for lunch!
A new meaning to lunch on the go....

We finished our walk by watering the flowers... and cleaning the landscaping blocks.

Please don't spray me Jase!

Jase spent the night with Grandma Belinda.
He enjoyed the first corn on the cob of the season.

June 28th -
Spending the night with Grandma Belinda means Tuesday mornings at the campground.
Jase loved the play equipment and spending time with Grandma.
He even enjoyed an early morning breakfast at Grandma Emma's house.

AND ....
We finished the day with cake.
Happy Birthday Grandma Pattee!
Jase loves cake.

 June 29th -
Have I mentioned these are the best days of my life?
Late night snuggles with this little boy always brings tears to my eyes.
Not only do I thank God for this precious one, 
but it is during these moments that I feel closest to Carter and Kaleb.

June 30th -
The last day of the month....
REALLY, How did our first month of summer go by so quickly?  
We were just to busy playing to take pictures this morning.

Brennon and I did take a moment to look at some of Jase's baby pictures tonight.
We were trying to find a few of Jase's pictures from the NICU to Now.

Jase continues to amaze us with how far he has come!

Check out these pictures from June 2014 - June 2015 - June 2016 :)

June 2014

June 2015

June 2016

Thank you for sharing this journey with us!
We are truly blessed.
We hope you are busy this summer making memories and taking time to enjoy the little moments!


Saturday, June 25, 2016

Just Another Two Week In Pictures...

A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words....

 June 15, 2016 - A busy day with Mama.
We took a trip to Culligan to visit Daddy & Papa and Grandma Zellmer.

Little Boys are Everywhere..
A Lot of Noise and Little Bit of Dirt.
Always Exploring - 

Down the Hill...

....Up the Hill


Then off to lunch with Grandma Belinda at the Windrow.
We love the Tostado Bar!

Followed by a trip to the library with Mama.
So many books to choose from before going home for a much needed nap!

June 16 - Mama - I'm Tired.  I just want to sing my ABC's with the IPAD.
20 minutes of down time before a busy day with Mama.

June 18 - Helping neighbor Deb plant flowers, riding his bike and playing with water - 
This is how we spent our day.

Jase was to excited to wait until tomorrow to give Daddy his present.

June 19 - HAPPY FATHER'S DAY Daddy!!

It was an amazing day!  Breakfast with Daddy was definitely our favorite part of the day.

Daddy cut down tree limbs and Jase played in the the tree.

Someone gave Jase Diet Coke.  I bet it was Grandma Pattee.

June 20th -  When you spend the day with Grandma Belinda you sometimes miss your nap.
Sometimes when you miss a nap, you have tantrums for the silliest reasons... especially when you are this tired.

 Mama, I want the coffee table to MOVE BACK farther and the couch is in the way!

June 22nd - PT with Liz / Speech with Ellen followed by a much needed nap.

June 24th - MORE PT with Jill and Jase being casted for new braces with Mike.  No tears this time!!
He was such a big boy.
He even congratulated Jase on how well he did with the casting/saw for his age.

I came back to help pick out new colors and pattern for his braces and Jase decided  to cry and whine.
Seeing me at therapy always triggers the tears.

He asked Jill for an Elmo stamp.
When he wouldn't follow the rules, I said no and we ended up leaving without a stamp.
Which triggered the tantrums... SUCH A MEAN MOM!

I'm sure they heard him screaming all the way upstairs as we rushed through the Atrium.
(I didn't stop for a picture!)

TWICE in 1 week.
Where did my sweet little boy go?

Just sitting here waiting for the tantrum to end so I can buckle him in......

With a very tired little boy,
I decided to stop at Jordan Creek Mall to pick out a birthday present for cousin Bradie.

I got a "I'm SORRY Mama" from Jase and we enjoyed a great lunch together. 
AND we took some Zombie Burger fries home to Daddy.

A special trip to Jase's favorite store -  Barnes and Noble.
He played with trains, looked at books and enjoyed an afternoon surrounded by stories.

No more tantrums here - No more tantrums there...
No more tantrums anywhere.

We ended the day with a visit to Grandma Emma and an evening at home with Daddy.

A big boy in a little wagon...

Down the hill... UP the hill....

Around the yard ... Down the hill AGAIN.

Back up the hill.
Maybe it is time to buy Jase a bigger wagon.


Daddy and Jase

Bradie + Jase = Best Friends


Pool Time!

What an amazing summer so far! We are so blessed to spend it together.
 I can't wait to see what the rest of summer will bring.

