Tuesday, June 14, 2016

A Week In Pictures....

It's the first week of June -
These are the best days of my life.....

June 2nd - No NAPS today. We had a cousin day with Bradie.
I love the sound of little boy giggles.

June 6th - Jase and I both slept in, enjoyed breakfast in our pi's, and cuddled in the chair.
Jase would eat eggs for every meal - His favorite is an over-easy egg with bacon bits and ketchup.

June 7th - Blank Park Zoo with our friend Noah.

We are extremely thankful for the friends in our life!

June 8th - Jase waiting for some pop-pop....

June 9th - I grabbed the swimming pool from the basement.  Jase took one look and said, "NOPE!"
He refused to get in - but loved filling it full of water with the garden hose.

He loves the garden hose!

June 11th - A two year old can have chores too.
Jase loves to be outside and he loves to help. 
Watering the flowers and giving the birds a drink!

 Some new landscaping for the swing set.

June 12th - Sunday Evening Ice Cream.... (in the new car)  
The heat might have affected my judgement!

What a wonderful beginning to the month of June! 
 I can't wait to see what the rest of the month has in store for us.

Meanwhile, the clothes will sit on the dining room table waiting to be put away, the dishes will pile in the sink, and the beds will need made - 

But all that can wait because.... Jase and I are making memories.

" The best thing to spend on your child, is your time."
I love summer!

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