Thursday, May 4, 2017

Keep Calm and Stay in Bed.

Yesterday was my cerclage surgery.

I am so thankful this procedure is available, to help me provide a long and successful pregnancy for this baby.

I checked in at 10:45 am, and how lucky was I that they were ahead of schedule.

Prep was easy - some blood work, a quick iv with fluids, heart tones for the baby, and I was ready for a spinal.

12 pm - I was rolled into the operating room.

The crazy thing about this procedure - being wide awake.
Sit on the edge of bed, curve your spine as much as possible and hug the pillow.... Oh, and stay calm - very calm for the spinal procedure.

You then lay there, legs up,  wrapped in a blue curtain, and listen to the doctor and her OR nurse complete the procedure.  You talk to the OR nurse by your head and joke with the anesthesiologist.... and you pray.  You look at the overhead lights above you and you pray that this procedure will be successful.  You pray that you will do this, and your baby will be born full-term and healthy.  You remind yourself that you will endure this because of the love for your unborn child.  This child, who has also already become a huge part of your family, your future and your heart. 

I  remembered the last time I had this procedure with the twins.  The unknown and the fear that I felt lying in the room, listening to the same procedure.  I remembered while in the OR room, with my twin pregnancy, I had prayed that it would be the last time that I would have to do this surgery - and yet how thankful I am that I was able to have this surgery again.

12:38 pm - Wheeled into recovery.  Heart tones found for the baby (153 bpm).  I was so thankful for heart tones, a glass of water and graham crackers.  Last time, I was in recovery for 6 hours.  I was very grateful that it only took 3 hours to have enough movement to move my butt off the bed.  You would think that was easy.  It took me 3 hours to do it.  3 hours in recovery, where I laid, on my side of the curtain, and listened to the nurses around me ask patients to wake up from general anesthesia.  It is definitely a different experience.  I drank 8 jugs of water, with no urge to pee and tried to wiggle my toes as much as possible.  I watched my blood pressure cuff re-inflate and was hopeful to soon be in post-op so that I could at least talk to Brennon.

3:45 pm - Wheeled into post-op.  Brennon came down and brought me some trail mix.  I never liked trail mix before, but I could eat it every day now.  The salty peanuts and the sweet candy and raisins.  I use to hate raisins. Opps - I got a little off subject. :)  I checked Facebook!  Thank you so much for all of the prayers and messages yesterday.  It is greatly appreciated and it makes it so much easier when I know I have thoughts and prayers for me, my family and our baby.  Post-op was difficult.  I had feeling back in my waist, which lead to some crazy, crazy back pain, nauseous, some cramping and just not being able to be comfortable.  I finally realized  I probably shouldn't have drank another jug of water.... but let me tell you, I didn't need or want to be readmitted the next day because of a spinal headache.  I could tell that my bladder was full but I still didn't have the urge to pee or trust my legs to get me to the bathroom.

4:45 pm - Discharge instructions from my nurse before she went off duty.  The end was in sight.  I just needed to pee and walk.  5:05 pm - My bladder was ready to pee.  I graciously accepted some non-slip socks and found my way down the hall to the bathroom.  5:10 pm - I found myself back on the bed trying not to throw up.  

5:30 pm - Discharged and on my way to the lobby to the car.  It was not the most pleasant ride home, but I survived.  

I just have to say, I am so very thankful for my husband.  He is definitely one of a kind.  He took care of Jase when we got home, he tucked me into bed, and went to McDonalds to grab me a sandwich.  He put Jase to bed and let me sleep, waking up when Jase got upset at 2 am and fetching me tylenol and water at 3 am.  He is definitely one of my greatest blessings.

 I am thankful for all of my friends and family, who have watched and cared for my child during the surgery and in the days ahead while I am on bed rest.  I am thankful for everyone who has called and messaged me with positive thoughts and prayers.

I am thankful to God.  For answering a prayer I didn't know I wanted so badly.  Although, I was praying for a healthy baby through adoption, God answered my prayer with a healthy baby in my womb.  I am trusting fully, that he will care for this baby, that it is His will for a full-term, healthy baby for us to bring home.  I am trusting Him in this situation, because I can't control the outcome.  I can only control my actions in this pregnancy - a healthy diet, bed rest when needed, limited activity, following restrictions, trusting that my doctors know me and will treat me with best of their knowledge, and prayers to God.  I am at peace, because I trust.

And here I am today, heating pad on my back, tylenol, and my feet up. 
I have season 2 of Private Practice - a new book - ordering for the Elks done -
 and it is time to relax and allow this baby to grow.

Next week, I have another appointment with Dr Drake where she will do an ultrasound of my baby and check my cervix.  Hopefully, then I will be released to do limited activity.  I still can't stand for more then 2 hours at a time, or lift much, push or pull things - but I will be able to play with Jase, drive, visit friends and family, take Jase to PT and load the dishwasher. 

 Oh, wait, Brennon you didn't read that, I can't do any cleaning for the next 23 weeks!

This isn't the first time I have had to do this, but I am taking a few more precautions this time, knowing that my cerclage failed last time.  I will do everything in my power to keep this baby safe.  We will make every sacrifice financially to ensure that I don't work much  (ugh - I don't even want to think about paying bills).  Brennon will work a little more, I will relax a little more  (sorry Brennon).  I am pretty sure I will owe him BIG.  I should allow him the first month home with baby, off from night duty and diaper changes... Maybe?  I will make sacrifices of my own to make sure that I put the baby first by following my restrictions and staying healthy. I will trust my body and how I am feeling and I will stay faithful to God and his plan for our family.  

Thanks for following this journey with us. 
Thank you for all the love, support and prayers!

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