Monday, December 24, 2012

Welcome to My Life...

I always wanted my own blog… I had the perfect name – The Life of an Almost 30 Year Old Drama Queen.  Well 30 has arrived, and has now passed, and soon I will say that I am closer to 35 then I am 30.  

Some say the creative adult is just a child that survived.  I really hope that is the case.  I believe that life is a gift, it is what we make of it.  Life is rarely easy and strength is something we all have - just waiting around for when you really need it.  I can say my life hasn't been easy, but it hasn't been hard either.  I am blessed.  I am blessed with a roof over my head, shoes on my feet, a wonderful husband, a child in heaven, awesome family and a job that pays the bills.  I may not have everything I want, but I have everything I need.  This is my life -  

Welcome to my Life - Melissa

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