I had another productive week last week. And when I mean productive, I mean I am pretty sure I beat 10 levels in Candy Crush this last week. How can a dumb game irritate me so much.. and how hard is it to crush those stupid candies. Right now I am stuck on level 88 and it is driving me batty. This is why Spring needs to make an appearance soon. I need to be active and enjoying the nice weather - not sitting on the couch so much playing a game. At least I haven't been dreaming about crushing candy at night. If that happens - I am done.
Speaking of Spring - I need some more vitamin D. One of my doctor's told me that I should be taking 2000 mcg of Vitamin D in the winter and 600 mcg in the Summer. That's all great and all but nothing compares to the sun. This weekend I had a huge urge to go to the tanning bed and then straight to the YMCA. Now, I know that tanning isn't great and I probably shouldn't do it, but I need something to get me out of this funk and to kick those winter time blues to the curb. First stop - tanning bed... Second stop - exercise machine - I will see you this week at the Y :) Maybe.
Speaking of Spring - I need some more vitamin D. One of my doctor's told me that I should be taking 2000 mcg of Vitamin D in the winter and 600 mcg in the Summer. That's all great and all but nothing compares to the sun. This weekend I had a huge urge to go to the tanning bed and then straight to the YMCA. Now, I know that tanning isn't great and I probably shouldn't do it, but I need something to get me out of this funk and to kick those winter time blues to the curb. First stop - tanning bed... Second stop - exercise machine - I will see you this week at the Y :) Maybe.
FRIENDS - I think I spent most of this past week on the internet searching for the best hotel for the best price. I even thought I was making the deal of the life time on the phone with Embassy Suites - only to realize that I was actually booked at the Hampton. Now, I have to decide if Happy Hour is worth the extra $100. I am super pumped we are booking our summer getaway with Larry and Summer and my pal Evan. Also, excited that we will be heading to Chicago to see the mummies and dance with the dinosaurs! I can't wait to meet Sue! And to visit the big ships at the Navy Pier. I am so excited - Evan's birthday can't come quick enough!
FAMILY - Happy Birthday Samuel! I am not sure where the time goes, but you turned 13 years old on Friday. I remember cuddeling with you when you born, and kidding with Emalie that her little brother was goofy looking - You have grown up to be a very handsome young man and Brennon and I love you very much!! I am still not sure who gets sick on their birthday and can't enjoy home made ice cream with me. But - Brennon did get you the best birthday present. To bad I ate the entire 5 lb bag since you were sick..... the entire 5 lb bag of gummy bears :) HA HA
FAITH - God didn't bring me this far, to leave me here. My dreams are important and every day is a new beginning. Joyce Meyers said on Facebook this weekend, "There is timing in for all things in our lives - and there is safety in being in God's perfect timing."
This past week, I continued to struggle with patience. I want things to happen in my time, and God continues to remind me that all things happen in His perfect timing. I found myself questioning things in my life, that honestly are out of my control, and again I have to let go. As I write my blog weekly, I am sensing a theme here. I recognize it, so why is so hard to relinquish control? I have to remind myself that there is always going to be doubt. It is when doubt enters my mind that I have to remember that God knows and is working with me. I have to replace the doubt with faith.
I am here and I am ready for my dreams to come true. A part of living is dreaming, and a part of dreaming is praying that your dreams come true. I know my heart's desires. I believe that this is my time. I have to keep the fath, and every time something bad happens, I have to remember that it is not my time yet, to remember hope and patience and to allow God to guide my footsteps the way I should go. Never let your fear decide your fate. Even though, it happens in God's time, doesn't mean that I don't have a responsibility to do my part. To announce my dreams and to work towards them.
Brennon and I were watching "The Bible" last night on the History Channel. Afterwards, Brennon and I were just cuddling and talking, we both decided that we wouldn't be where we were without faith. As we had watched Jesus see his destiny, and to beg to God to spare him. He said, "If it is Your Will - Then it is also mine." The power in those words. I cry as I write them. I immediately thought back to being in the hospital room in August - begging and pleading with God for my child to make it. I remember my water breaking and knowing this was it. I remember praying to God that I didn't want my child to suffer and if this was His will - to please not let my child suffer. It is now I see, God gave His son - so that mine could be with Him. I may not understand, I may not like that my child is not here, but that one moment taught me so much. It not only changed me, but it changed my life, my outlook on life, and my priorities in life. I am no longer so consumed with the little things in life that don't matter. Yes - it is snowing in March - yes, an annoyance, but not something to get worked up about. Yes, money can be tight, and I might have to transfer money from my savings account - again instead of being worried - I need to be thankful that I have a savings account. I look at the world around us, and for a moment thought, if we would stop getting so worked up about the little things, and just go with the flow, we would have more time for the big things in life and realize that we have everything we need.
I am strong and I am loved. I can help others because of my journey and I will be blessed. God didn't bring me this far to leave me, and I know that if I continue to trust in Him, relinquish my control, continue to ask for forgiveness and thank God for everything and believe in His word - I will hold my child again someday. What a precious thought. Not today - but someday. I have so much to be thankful for and Carter, your short and precious life has taught Daddy and Mommy many, many things. And our goal had been to teach you... Well done son!
My Thought for the Week - is simple.... "Your encouragement may be the only good thing someone receives this week." No one is placed in our lives by accident. So the next time you are burdened with an inconvenience, an annoyance, place it on your heart to give instead of receive - Encourage those around you and be reminded that you are a blessing to someone. Good words for me to remember this week....
This past week, I continued to struggle with patience. I want things to happen in my time, and God continues to remind me that all things happen in His perfect timing. I found myself questioning things in my life, that honestly are out of my control, and again I have to let go. As I write my blog weekly, I am sensing a theme here. I recognize it, so why is so hard to relinquish control? I have to remind myself that there is always going to be doubt. It is when doubt enters my mind that I have to remember that God knows and is working with me. I have to replace the doubt with faith.
Brennon and I were watching "The Bible" last night on the History Channel. Afterwards, Brennon and I were just cuddling and talking, we both decided that we wouldn't be where we were without faith. As we had watched Jesus see his destiny, and to beg to God to spare him. He said, "If it is Your Will - Then it is also mine." The power in those words. I cry as I write them. I immediately thought back to being in the hospital room in August - begging and pleading with God for my child to make it. I remember my water breaking and knowing this was it. I remember praying to God that I didn't want my child to suffer and if this was His will - to please not let my child suffer. It is now I see, God gave His son - so that mine could be with Him. I may not understand, I may not like that my child is not here, but that one moment taught me so much. It not only changed me, but it changed my life, my outlook on life, and my priorities in life. I am no longer so consumed with the little things in life that don't matter. Yes - it is snowing in March - yes, an annoyance, but not something to get worked up about. Yes, money can be tight, and I might have to transfer money from my savings account - again instead of being worried - I need to be thankful that I have a savings account. I look at the world around us, and for a moment thought, if we would stop getting so worked up about the little things, and just go with the flow, we would have more time for the big things in life and realize that we have everything we need.
I am strong and I am loved. I can help others because of my journey and I will be blessed. God didn't bring me this far to leave me, and I know that if I continue to trust in Him, relinquish my control, continue to ask for forgiveness and thank God for everything and believe in His word - I will hold my child again someday. What a precious thought. Not today - but someday. I have so much to be thankful for and Carter, your short and precious life has taught Daddy and Mommy many, many things. And our goal had been to teach you... Well done son!
My Thought for the Week - is simple.... "Your encouragement may be the only good thing someone receives this week." No one is placed in our lives by accident. So the next time you are burdened with an inconvenience, an annoyance, place it on your heart to give instead of receive - Encourage those around you and be reminded that you are a blessing to someone. Good words for me to remember this week....
Enjoy your last week of March! And may peace, love and happiness surround you. - Melissa