Monday, March 11, 2013

Thought for Week #10 of 2013

I have so much to share this week.  Today - the 10th Monday of 2013 and I am 33 years old....  I remember 10 years ago, thinking about where my life would be at 33 and I would never imagine I would be the person I am today.  Isn't that amazing?  In 2003, I was sure that I would be married to my first husband and have at least 3 children.... HEE HEE.  Not at all where I am today! In the last ten years, I got married, gained 2 awesome brothers, and got divorced.  I never thought I was strong enough to endure the pain of divorce, but shortly after, I  met Brennon. It was then I realized... everything happens for a reason. I knew immediately, he was the  man that I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with.  We got married and I was blessed with another wonderful family and then we were blessed with our sweet Carter.... Brennon and I have been together for  8 years now, and I wouldn't trade it for all the money in the world.  Ten years ago, I worked at the YMCA and truly believed that I would work there forever, to make it my career... but opportunities became available and I moved on to Human Services, working with both children and adults.  I changed my friends....  I changed my underwear.  I met some new friends and I  kept some great friends.    I welcomed new members to my family and said goodbye to some cherished loved ones.  There has been many changes in 10 years, and yet it is hard to believe that I am 33 years old...I still feel 23!  I can honestly say that everything happens for a reason.  Every joy, every heartache has brought me to where I am today and the person I am meant to be.

To reflect on the last ten years, it reminds me that you should never take life for granted, to love the life you live, and to live the life you love.  Carter, you remind mommy to start each day like it is my birthday!  Brennon was grumpy yesterday and I said, "don't be grumpy you will ruin my birthday."  He said during a stressful remodel moment, "we will never have good birthdays again because Carter isn't here."  We both had a moment of tears and hugs, and yet, I know that God would not want us to stop living and enjoying life, just because Carter is with Him.  But, we do miss you Carter Baby.... A LOT :)

TODAY - I really did have a great birthday yesterday - but let me share that today, I am extremely exhausted!  I am not sure if it is the weather, the great bathroom floor disaster of 2013 or daylight savings time..  I found myself sitting at my desk today, and fighting the urge to lay my head down on the desk for a little snooze.  I felt like I was in "The Nap" episode of Seinfeld when George set up a nap time retreat under his desk.  (If only my desk was big enough...and if you haven't seen that episode, GOOGLE it!)  I was so pumped that this morning Channel 8 said 40's and 50's at the end of the week.  It can not come soon enough.  I can't wait to walk outside.  I will be so happy, I may even run... Oh wait, scratch that, I am not going to run.  I keep thinking about that Seinfeld episode and I just keep laughing..  WOW, I am just full of rambling thoughts today.

Oh well, here is my last week in review....

LOVE -  True love is when you can remodel an area of your home and not yell at each other.  Let me start out by saying I really didn't mean to break the bathroom - it just happened.  Now, let me also say, that I am a strong believer in "Everything Happens For a Reason" - and truly, if I hadn't broke the bathroom floor we wouldn't have found the need to replace it, which means that it would have gotten worse and we would of had to spend way more money. I just wanted to peek under the linoleum. Truly - I didn't mean for it to happen this weekend.  BUT - maybe there was a reason we were supposed to do it this weekend!

Prior to me breaking the floor, we had talked about buying a new bathroom, complete with a new bathtub, vanity, sink, and all the necessities. After I broke the flooring and found rotten floor boards, I realized the remodel was happening sooner rather then later.  But, then that darn snow word showed up, and we were nervous to take a trip to Des Moines.  SO, I settled for a new floor and toilet.  It's all good... Iowa Methodist can wait another couple of weeks for their payment!  And I really didn't need a birthday present!  Just to add to the story a little - In addition to the new toilet and floor tiles, I did buy a new medicine cabinet, vanity and sink too, along with new ceramic tiles for the shower and mud, texture and paint.  Add that to the 1/2 of beef we purchased this week, the locker fees, and the deep freeze to hold all of this meat.... it was a pretty expensive week!  Really - what was I thinking?  Except that when it is all done, I will have a pretty cool bathroom... and for those of you who have been to my house know that  my bathroom was a much needed update.  (I still kinda blame this on Brennon - he was roaming around the house on Saturday looking for a project... and, well I gave him one :)  There was a few moments where I had to stay out of the way, and Brennon had to walk to the garage and take a deep breath, but we are still happily married.  Today is Day #3 of the bathroom remodel, and I will be happy when I can wash my hands in the bathroom again!

FAMILY -  Have I mentioned that I love my family.  And because my birthday was this weekend, I was able to go out to eat on Friday night to the Windrow, Saturday night to A&G, and honestly if we weren't working on the bathroom, I would have went out to eat on Sunday. (PS - This is exactly why I am chubby!)  What an amazing birthday weekend with family!

I had hoped to have family over for Sunday dinner - I did find a Chicago Style Italian Beef recipe online yesterday and it turned out awesome.  I began with a meat rub of italian seasoning, cayenne pepper, red chili peppers, and paprika.  It makes my mouth water.  I even roasted the onions, red peppers and pepperoncinis in the oven with olive oil and seasonings.  Add a toasted bun and provolone cheese and my taste buds were happy! I was sad that it started to snow and we couldn't have a family dinner.   But I did enjoy my wonderful sandwich, Candy Crush, and the Nascar Race.  Pretty pumped that Matt Kenseth won the race.  It was his birthday yesterday also, and I know that he won just for our birthdays. :)  GO #20... (PS - I never ever thought I would root for the #20 car as it was previously Tony Stewart's number, and I really didn't like Tony Stewart.)  I sure was busy sitting around while Brennon worked on the bathroom.  WOW, here I am with my rambling thoughts again.

FRIENDS -  I have to share - I said last week, that I was letting go of past anger and hurt, and I did.  I feel like a different person.  It was crazy how upset I was and how much better I felt after letting it go.  This past week, was a week with friends.  I continue to be so thankful for Summer and Larry and for the friendship they provide.  It is funny, that we were talking this week, that this experience has changed us and even changed our friendship.  We are closer now because of the moments of weakness I had, and the strength she provided.  I was also pretty pumped to spend my Saturday morning with Evan.  What a sweet little boy.  I just love that kid.  He reminds me of the simple things in life and I truly enjoy playing with him. I also went to dinner with Kelly and Callie on Wednesday night.  It was nice to go out and have a few drinks. Jason and Sadie stopped by yesterday... and Grace and Abby made me the sweetest birthday cards and even brought me cake.  Another reason why it was a great birthday.

WEDDING PLANS WITH THE FUTURE HOGANS -  This week, Carter received mail from his "favorite aunt and uncle" -  Emalie and James.  It seriously brought a smile and a tear at the same time. That Hogan boy and that future Hogan girl - are just to thoughtful!  It was so nice of them to include Carter in their special day.

FAITH -  Today, I pray that God continues to bless us.  I am reminded again, that we take for granted all the things that someone else is praying for. I think about the prayers that Brennon and I say each day, and I think about the people who take those simple prayers for granted.  And yet, I take for granted the home that I live in.  I am worried about my bathroom remodel, and yet there 2.6 billion people in the world who don't have a toilet. Another 100 million people in the world live without shelter.  Those statistics really put in to perspective what I worry about.  How about freedom.  You and I take our freedom for granted, and yet, we have active duty soldiers in a hundred and fifty different countries defending our freedom for us.  I really do think that as the human race, we have become so materialistic that the small blessings that we have day to day are taken for granted.

This brings me to my THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK..... "Believe in yourself, and love the life you live."  My goal for the next week is to enjoy my life.  I believe that I am on this Earth for a reason, and until my time on Earth is done, I want to be a blessing, to treat people right, and to love the life I live.  No more wishing away my days waiting for better days, and to remember the small things that I take for granted, others are praying for.  For I believe in myself, and God believes in me... and I know that He isn't done blessing me yet.  "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28  May I continue to be of assistance to God, assistance to others, and assistance to myself.

"May the Lord Bless You and Protect You." Many blessings to you for the next week.  Love - Melissa

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