Tuesday, February 3, 2015

One Snowy Day....

Let It Snow
         Let It Snow
                 Let It Snow...

This weekend was the perfect weekend.  Saturday it started to snow and Sunday it started to blow!  Why is this exciting?  Ummm – because for a few hours I was snowed in with my family.  Also,  I have been waiting for a snow day so that I could have some awesome pictures of Jase in the snow.

Jase has experienced snow while he was in the NICU during 2013 – Jase experienced snow in 2014 from inside our house.  But, in 2015 Jase experienced the cold wet snow while it drifted from the sky!

Here are a few of my favorite pictures.....

Why So Many Layers of Clothes?


Winter Snow 2015
What is This White Stuff?

Jase is so curious about this cold, wet white stuff.  

 Want to Catch Snowflakes With Your Tongue?

These pictures just want me to break out in song. 
If all the snowflakes were candy bars and milkshakes on what a snow that would be.  Standing outside with my mouth opened wide.  


Jase loved the snow and I loved watching him experience it. What I wasn't expecting was the severe allergies that I have been experiencing since Sunday.  I thought the snow and cold was supposed to stop all allergies.  I guess the big tree in the back yard that was budding affected me more then I thought.  The last two days have been a busy day of nose blowing, sinus pill popping, nauseous tummy and drowsiness naps while caring for a grumpy, teething baby.  Why must Jase always get multiple teeth at once?  We sure wish Daddy could have stayed home form work to take care of us.  Although, he may have went crazy listening to us whine.  I am just hoping that this is allergy related and I am not contagious.  No more complaining -

We had a great weekend and we hope you did too!  

On Another Note – 
We Are Ready for More Snow!

Maybe tomorrow?

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