Saturday, April 15, 2017

.... And then there were 6

Jesus said, "All things are possible for he who believes."  Mark 9:23


Really?  These tests must be outdated!

Followed by a Doctor Office Visit - where I was convinced I was in the process of menopause.
Nope, just another positive test....

AND, how about another appointment in Des Moines for  Blood Work and an Ultrasound.

 - AND - 

You have to be kidding me right?  After a bit of a shock and a slight (ok, HUGE) panic attack, it is starting to sink in that we are officially a family of 6.

Baby Zellmer Due November 10
(although I am still saying due date is 11/4 :))
Measuring 10 Weeks
Heart Rate 171

Let me just start by saying that this was not planned - I was adamant that there was no more babies coming out of my belly.  (Not planned - but still loved). Sometimes, God likes to remind us that He is in control.  That is my thought anyway.  For 20 years, I have been told that I would have difficulty becoming pregnant, that we would need doctor monitoring, pills and timed sex to have a family.

Well that didn't happen this time.  Just a few beers at the Sidetracked, a Facebook post from Brennon that says Sex Happens, and sperm meets egg.  At least that is how we have pieced together the conception month, because to be honest I have no idea how this happened.  (Well, I know how it happened, I'm just not sure when it happened.) Thanks for sharing - RIGHT?

And I didn't even realize what was going on for 10 weeks.  

So, here we are 10 - 11 weeks pregnant, and we are finally sinking into the idea that we are going to have a  baby.  It feels different this time.  Maybe because my body did it on it's own, maybe because I have a strong feeling it is a girl, or maybe it is because my body has had 4 years to recover from my last pregnancy, but I am not as worried this time.  

That being said, I am still taking every precaution to keep this baby healthy inside of me, including a cerclage, less work, and many, many doctor appointments.  Brennon has been my rock during the last few days.  He is first to remind me that we have been through everything, helicopter rides, baby loss, multiples, long NICU stays, infant loss, and health issues  and we are still standing strong.

So, if Jase has been spreading a rumor that there is a baby in mama's tummy.... That rumor is true.

We would appreciate any thoughts and prayers during the months ahead as we take it easy, pray much, rest often and believe in what is to be.

If anyone wants Royal Tickets this summer - Give me a call!


Brennon, Melissa, Carter, Jase, Kaleb and Baby Zellmer = Family of 6

Stay tuned as we add another egg to our basket!

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