Sunday, April 2, 2017

I'm Just Winging It.

I have the urge to write...
I'm just not sure what to write about.

I started out by thinking about everything I did today.  

Let me tell you - it was extensive!  

1.  I had coffee.

2.  I sent a message to new friend on Facebook. ( If you pray, please send a prayer for my friend and her husband as they recently said goodbye to their sweet baby.)  I pondered starting a Facebook page for grieving Mama's and I checked out the Molly Bear's Website  (  and then I thought about my boys.  I can't help but think about how different life would be with all 3 of my boys with me... and I wouldn't be telling the truth, if I didn't tell you that I think about it multiple times a day.

3.  I had a discussion with Jase about the importance of toilet paper.  Let me tell you 100 things that no one tells you that you will say when having a boy.... (but that is for another day).

4.  I made a grocery list.

5.  I carefully considered how to manipulate my husband into getting me another cup of coffee so I didn't have to get off the couch.

6.  I checked out my yoga pants and wondered if that was chocolate Jase wiped on my knee.

7.  I updated my grocery list.

I went to HyVee -  This was the outing of my day.

Let me tell you a secret - 

I am pretty sure I finally (and successfully) pulled off bed-head in the grocery store today - - followed by make up that was covering up yesterday's make - up.  Hey don't judge.  I fell asleep cuddling with Jase at 8 pm last night.  I did brush my teeth this morning.... (I think?)  Yes - Yes I did!

8.  The little carts at the grocery store should be banned. I have a strong dislike for the little carts in the grocery store.

Did you ever think that grocery shopping by yourself would be the highlight of your day?

I wondered if I left my cart in isle 6 and went to the car, if Brennon and Jase would notice?
I also realized I hadn't looked at my list once.

9.  I looked through my phone for the grocery list while I secretly snuck snacks out of Jase's grocery cart when he wasn't looking.

10.  I consistenly appologized to strangers as my child attempted to hit them in the back of the legs with the grocery cart because he wasn't paying attention.  Did I forget to mention that the little carts at the grocery store are the end of all good things?

9.  I sat at the child's table at the grocery store and colored pictures with Jase while Brennon paid the bill.

I randomly noticed the 4 year old standing by her mom in the checkout,  as she obviously wondered why I could sit on the floor and color in the store, when her mom told her no.

11. I took a deep breath as Jase carried in groceries, even though he fell on the bread.  Because I know that the fact that he was carrying in groceries was more important then my already weak 45 calorie bread.

12.  I pondered water retention and the fact that I had gained 5 lbs overnight when I have been religiously eating 45 calorie bread. Oh, and that huge piece of chocolate cake from Costco yesterday.

13.  I made sandwiches for lunch (with my 45 calorie bread and carefully measured out 1 tbsp of fat free mayo with 1 oz of roast beef)  while secretly thinking about my husbands piled high roast beef on rye with real Hellman's mayo and Jase's cheese Pringles.  

14.  I snuck a bite of macaroni and cheese off of Jase's plate.  I considered tracking it, and snuck another bite. ( I felt guilty about sneaking the food and tracked it in my handy Weight Watchers app.)

15. I checked my phone.  No calls today.

16.  Jase asked me to take a nap with him.  This was the best offer of my day followed by the reminder that I would have to watch "The Purple Guy" for the 100th time this week.  (The purple guy is also known as the movie "HOME".)

17.  I shut the television off as soon as Jase fell asleep and drifted off into sleep.

MY PHONE RANG.  I ignored it.

 MY PHONE DINGED - It was  text message.

MY PHONE DINGED AGAIN - A reminder that I had a text message.

I just wanted a nap.

18.  I pondered vodka.  Is it to early for vodka?  I drank diet ginger ale.  It is better with vodka.

19.  I thought about dinner.  I ate a banana.  I thought about dinner again.  I drank some water.  I pondered dinner and asked if we could eat dinner early tonight.  I thought 4 pm was acceptable.  Brennon said no.  I drank some more water.  

20.  I had to pee.  I thought about my conversation with Jase earlier about the importance of toilet paper.  I really had to pee.

21.  We made dinner.  My child whined.  I allowed him to watch the iPad during dinner (mother of the year) while complaining about children watching iPad's at dinner.

 I took away the iPad.  I listened to my child whine.
I did not care.  Ok, I cared a little.
I wanted to wine too....  
I also wanted a family dinner without youtube kids.

22.   I attempted to clean the kitchen.

We put Jase into pajama's ... Let's be real, Brennon put Jase in pajamas.  
Brennon is the best at night time routine.

I sat down to write and watch the Cubs/Cardinals game.  Brennon is a Cubs fan.  I am a Royals fan.  It doesn't really matter, because Opening Night is finally here.  I love baseball.  Here is to 2017 being the year that the Royals and Cubs play each other in the World Series.

Did I mention that we have tickets to watch the Royals game in just a few weeks?

23.  MY COMPUTER JUST DIED WHILE WRITING THIS BLOG.  I had a slight panic attack that I would have to rewrite the excitement of my day all over again.

-- No worries, it was saved.

24.  I read Brennon my blog.  He announced that he had put the snacks in Jase's little cart.  Have I mentioned that I really dislike those little carts?

25.  Jase asked for a glass of chocolate milk.  I am beginning to wonder if 4 cups of chocolate milk since dinner is a little to much?  I got myself a glass of water.

This goes with out saying, but I am pretty thankful for pull-ups at night.

26.    Isn't it strange how 8 glasses of water day seem impossible, but 8 glasses of wine with dinner seems like a good idea?  (No, seriously I haven't been drinking, I just saw a funny meme and had a good giggle and then I thought about wine. Really do you know how many weight watcher smart points is in wine?  Enough said.)

27.  Well, I guess that it is it for the day.  I am officially going to take a shower, for as long as I want, using all the hot water and then change into a new pair of yoga pants.  I may even break out the fancy shower gel instead of the Paw Patrol Bath Wash next to the shower.

 Let me tell you, I am living the life.

AND then, I am going to cuddle that sweet little boy of mine, and take a moment to thank God for all He has blessed me with.  I am going to take a moment and pray for all the things that I currently take for granted  because even on the craziest day, I wouldn't trade it for anything.

28.  Really, I don't have anything to say, my OCD just couldn't allow me to end this blog with an odd number.  ....

Until next time, THAT's ALL FOLKS.


I'll leave you with a couple of recent pictures of Jase at preschool.
Just because...
I'm beginning to think that this little human acts a lot like his mom.


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