Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Melissa's Homemade Spaghetti Sauce!

Tonight Jase asked for spaghetti....
Brennon asked for homemade meatballs....

I went ahead and made spaghetti sauce from scratch.  AND IT WAS AMAZING.

I decided I would share the recipe, although I must admit, I am pinch of this and a pinch of that cook - so add more or less to you individual taste!


2 - 28 oz cans of crushed tomatoes
1 - 10.5 oz can of diced petite tomatoes
1 small onion, diced finely
1 green pepper, diced finely (optional)
1 container of fresh mushrooms, sliced (optional)
4 cloves of garlic, finely diced OR use 2 T minced garlic
1 bunch of fresh basil diced OR 3 T of dried basil (more or less to taste)
1 TBSP Oregano
1 TBSP Thyme
1 TBSP black pepper to taste
2 TBSP Olive Oil


  1. Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat.
  2. Add Onions, Mushrooms and Green Peppers
  3. Saute for 10 minutes or so, stirring often and being careful not to burn it.
  4. Add the minced garlic - Heat for another minute or two, careful still not to burn it.
  5. Add all the tomatoes, seasonings and basil to the pot. I really enjoy the taste of fresh basil in my sauce.
  6. Stirring often bring to a low boil.
  7. Reduce heat to low and simmer.  Simmer anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours.  (The longer you have time to simmer the better the flavor is.)  You do want to make sure all the veggies are soft!

This will make the equivalent of two jars of spaghetti sauce.  Eat the first jar - Freeze the second jar.

 This goes great with my meatball recipe!  
Add meatballs, shredded parmesan and serve over your favorite pasta.  

Here is the link to the meatball recipe!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

What's New Zellmer Family?

August 23, 2017 - I realized that I haven't updated everyone for awhile.

Baby is the size of a butternut squash - 
He weighs between 2.5 and 3 lbs!

Yesterday we had a baby appointment in Des Moines at 28 weeks 4 days.  I like to say that by date of conception we are more like 29 weeks 1 day but... it's only a few days, and i know every day in the womb is worth 3 days in the NICU, so we are extremely thankful that baby is still where he is supposed to be.

We scheduled our c-section yesterday, and I am extremely hopeful that we will make it!  I hate to talk to much about it, in fear of jinxing the positive of a full-term birth... but I will say we have 58 days left!

As for me, I am just thankful that I am still pregnant.  Baby is growing and so is my belly.  I am enjoying the kicks, rolls and punches.  If he would move off my cervix, I would be really happy! The third trimester is all new to me.  I enjoy baby hiccups and watching my belly move as the baby moves.  All of those pregnancy symptoms I have never experienced are showing up.  I am beginning to experience morning sickness until I eat and then the reflux shows up with a vengeance.  I am just waiting for the hemorrhoids to show up and I will officially say that I am experiencing every pregnancy symptom possible in the third trimester.  Actually, now I am really jinxing myself!  I will be happy if that pregnancy symptom never shows up! (Thanks for sharing...right.)  I am home most days, not working and trying to keep pressure of growing baby off my cervix.  It is getting harder now that the school year has started and my mom can no longer grandma sit for Jase.  He has way to much energy for me right now - so if anyone wants to play with an almost 4 year old in the mornings, feel free to message me! I try to sit in the chair or lay down most of the day, so he is really not happy with having to accompany me...

Jase is excited to be a big brother.  If you see him, he will tell you that his Mama has a baby in her belly.  He will then proceed to tell you that he has a lot of babies in his belly.  Up to 100 babies, on some days.   I tell him daily he has to eat all of his dinner because that is a lot of babies to feed.  He loves kissing my belly and telling his baby brother that he loves him.  We are narrowing down our choices of names and Jase is our deciding factor, so if you ask him today he may tell you one of the choices or he may just say the baby's name is ROCKY.  (The baby's name will not be Rocky!)

Jase will have his 4 year old birthday in two weeks!  He is excited to be 4 and he is really excited to start this year at Creative Beginnings in the afternoon 4-year old preschool program.  

He can count to 100, loves his ABC's and is starting to read.  He loves to sound out words, knows a lot of sight words and starting to put words together in books.  We are extremely blessed that our once 23-weeker, with an unknown future, is showing so much growth! 

He continues to attend physical therapy in Des Moines and continues to show growth.  Although, he physically doesn't run and jump like his peers - we know that it is only a matter of time before he catches up.  He enjoys his time with Liz and Jill and is excited to play every week.

Life for Daddy is the busiest.  Not only does he work his full-time job, he continues to cook at the Elks twice a week for his part-time job.  Speaking of a part-time job, he won't be going anywhere for a few years, since he called me on Monday and told me he bought a new car.  His truck was not able to safely hold two carseats, the bottom was rusting out, and I'm pretty sure it was days away from not working anymore, so he purchased a Chevy Traverse.  Jase was not happy, and continuously said he did not like the new car.  He wanted Daddy to buy a red truck.  Sorry Jase! As much as I hate having another payment, it makes me extremely happy that we have another reliable car if we need it.  The truck couldn't leave town, so if I was in DSM with an emergency, Daddy would have to borrow someone's car to meet us there.  With a baby on the way, it was a great opportunity for our family.  

He has been awesome the last few months, keeping up with two jobs, cooking dinner nightly for his family and trying to keep our house organized and clean.... That being said, he is extremely busy, if you stop by for a visit, expect toys to be everywhere, dishes in the sink, and dust bunnies everywhere!

That's all folks!

Not very exciting, but I have waited a long time for a long and boring pregnancy.  We continue to pray daily for the health of our baby and our family.  We pray that this is the pregnancy we take home a term baby from the hospital.  We are thankful for God's presence and protection in our lives. We are thankful for our team of doctors, for our family for helping us in so many ways, and for our friends for being there for us.  

Next appointments: 
September 6th  - 30 week OB Appointment
September 19th - 32 week Growth Scan and OB Appointment
---- followed by hopefully only two more appointments until c-section!!

We will make it!! 
All positive thoughts and prayers appreciated as baby continues to grow - 
Until next time friends!

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

23 Weeks - 24 Weeks!! We Are Still Pregnant!

July 18, 2017 (23 Weeks 4 Days Pregnant)

Today, marks the day, of which I can say, this is the longest I have ever been pregnant.

I have a month left of the 2nd trimester!

Yesterday, 4 years ago at this gestation, Jase and Kaleb were born at 23 weeks 3 days. Brennon and I went to Des Moines today for an extra ultrasound just to ensure that all is good with our baby and the cerclage.  My cervix continues to measure 4.5 cm (normal) with the help of the two cerclages!  The baby's butt is sitting on my cervix and likes to bounce on it.  It seriously feels like he is stabbing me knitting needles! UGH!!  I am patiently waiting for the day he moves up.... but he is already showing his stubborn side.  He is quite the acrobat as he bounces on his but with his feet above his head, sucking on his fingers.  He appears very happy inside Mama and we expect him to stay there for 13 more weeks.  We tried to get a 4D picture, but he loves to touch his face and we are convinced he is trying to play peek-a-boo. As of today we have 94 more days until we 37 weeks and a scheduled c-section.

Baby G with his feet above his head and his butt on my cervix!

Sucking his fingers!

4D Picture

They say this is my cervix.  I don't see it, but I don't look at my cervix very often! :) I do see the two cerclages (STX) and I am excited to know that my cervix isn't funneling and it is long and closed.  
My hope is that we are able to make it the next 14 weeks without any complications.


July 24, 2017 (24 Weeks 3 Days)

Our baby is moving so much these days. Although I have felt movement since 17 weeks, Brennon has felt the baby only once at 21 weeks. We are still waiting for the moment when Brennon can feel the baby all the time.  It seems he will kick and kick until Brennon or Jase put their hands on my belly and then he is calm and quiet.  I'm not expecting much, the same happened in our first two pregnancies!

Jase continues to count down until baby.  88 more days until our goal of 37 weeks!

Although, Jase said he would rather countdown until Christmas (154 Days)!  

He is already making his list and telling us he is always a good boy.  

I am so excited to think that we could have a full term baby and bring our baby home from the hospital after birth.  Really I think back to this gestation with the twins, and to realize that they were struggling to live outside the womb, makes me want to do everything in my ability to keep this baby safe and growing inside of me.  I have had to give up many family activities and events including a much wanted baby shower I wanted to attend for my cousin, to ensure I am keeping this baby safe, but I know everyone understands. 

Today, I head to Des Moines for my OB appointment and gestational diabetes test.


July 26, 2017 (24 Weeks 5 Days) - Although, my date of conception says 25 weeks 1 day!! (But who is counting?)

I still say it all the time - how I wish for a normal pregnancy.
I am only a little jealous of full term pregnancies.
Hopefully this will be the pregnancy that I get to experience full term!

I saw Dr Drake yesterday and I left the high risk doctor, with tears streaming down my face. Not because there was anything wrong, but because it was my last ultrasound to check my cervix.  I felt like a child whose security blanket had been taken away.

My cervix measured 4 cm yesterday.  I believe that a normal length at my gestation is 3.5 - 4 cm - so I am very much in the normal range.  I trust my doctors fully, so I know they are doing what is best for me and the baby, but I can't help but not trust my body.  My cervix can change so quickly, but I am reassured that if my cervix does fail, my baby is to big to just fall out.  I would have to have symptoms of pre-term labor.  My activity continues to be restricted.  I was discharged with the knowledge that I still have to take it easy, no work and laying down more then I am standing up. 

So as of today, I am only under the care of my regular OB, unless she decides that I need to see Dr Drake again.  I also failed my gestational diabetes test yesterday - so I will be taking the 3 hour test on Friday.  Thankfully, I can take it at the lab in Creston and have the results submitted to Dr Lehman.  I am extremely thankful for this, as I don't have to drive an hour to sit at the lab in  Des Moines for three hours and then an hour drive home.

I knew passing the test would be a struggle due to my inactivity, insulin resistance and my PCOS prior to pregnancy, but I am still hoping that I pass the fasting test. If  I don't, it just means following a better diet, which in all honesty is better for me and for the baby.

So, that's my still pregnant update!
How thankful I am for the cerclage and progesterone, that has assisted me in still being pregnant.
My prayer now is to pass the gestational diabetes test and to stay pregnant for at least 12 more weeks!
My c-section is scheduled for the 37th week and the cerclage will be removed at the time of baby's birth.

Next Appointments:  August 21st and September 19th - regular OB appointments!

Thanks for following us on this journey and for all the thoughts and prayers!

Thursday, July 13, 2017

22 Weeks - Keepin' Him Cookin'

Today, I am 22 weeks 6 days pregnant!

Baby Zellmer
Gestation in Picture - 22 Weeks 4 Days
Heartbeat 150 bpm
Weight - 1 lb 8 oz
Cervical Length - 4.6 cm (Long and Closed)

In a few short days, this will be the longest I have ever been pregnant.  

I know I am going to make it, but I am only a little nervous that things are going so well, that by talking about it I will jinx it.  4 years ago at this gestation, my cerclage broke and I went into labor with Jase and Kaleb.  This gestation, 4 years ago, reminds me of the 4 days of hoping, praying, and trying to keep both babies inside.... and here I am - 22 weeks 6 days and my cervix is long and closed and in the 4.6 cm range.

Did you know?  The normal length of a woman who is not pregnant is between 4-5 cm?
This means with the help of the cerclage, my cervix is functioning like it is supposed too.

I am also reassured that I have a double cerclage (two stitches on my cervix).  The chance of preterm labor before 32 weeks with a double cerclage is slim.

At 22 weeks 4 days pregnant,  the baby measured consistently a week ahead at 23 weeks 3 days, and weighed approximately 1 pound 8 oz!  It's exciting to think that my baby looks like Jase and Kaleb did when they were born.  He is already measuring bigger then any of my babies and it is also exciting to think that this baby has a chance to grow much, much bigger.

The ultrasound tech said it best.  "You grow big, strong babies, now we have to keep the incubator from breaking!"

I did a little searching and a I found pictures of my boys at this gestation.
I have to share because this is the last gestation that I will be able to compare pictures!

Jase in the first picture at 22 weeks 2 days, 
Kaleb in the second picture at 22 weeks 2 days, 
Baby G in the third picture at 22 weeks 4 days.

Don't my babies all look the same?!

That is all the excitement for this week.

I actually went shopping with my mom yesterday for a short time and bought some needed items for the baby.  I officially have the diaper bag packed.  Now, I just have to pack my hospital bag.  I know it is early, but having two preterm pregnancies, I just want to be prepared.  

Brennon said it best - "pack it so we don't need it!"

Cheers to 23 Weeks and a Growing Baby!

See you next week!

Monday, July 3, 2017

21 Weeks - Living with Incompetent Cervix.

21 Weeks 3 Days -

Today is proving to be a little bit tough on my emotions.

You see, 5 years, ago, at this this gestation, I went into labor with Carter due to an incompetent cervix.  I didn't have a clue what incompetent cervix was.  Honestly, I thought once I got pregnant, I would have a boring pregnancy, resulting in a normal birth, and take my baby home.

I did not however, realize that there are sometimes complications in pregnancy during the 2nd trimester,  like an incompetent cervix where the weight of the baby is to heavy for your cervix, resulting in silent contractions and painlessly dilating so that the baby just comes out... way to early, and without chance of survival.

I remember this date of gestation, so vividly.  It was the day before Carter was born.  I remember having had a few symptoms a week prior to having Carter.  I had went to the doctor and it was decided it was normal pregnancy symptoms. (I saw an on-call doctor - This is another story all together, that may be left for another time...maybe.  I still have a little frustration and anger about this doctor appointment.)  I remember the day before I went into labor, feeling uncomfortable with back aches and feeling like the baby was really low.  I remember going to work on this day, feeling uncomfortable, but shrugging it off as 2nd trimester woes, and I remember going home after work and telling Brennon I was going to bed right after dinner.  At 7 pm, I remember asking Brennon if my stomach felt weird.  It didn't to him, but it did to me.  At 7:15 pm, I had to pee.  At 7:30 pm I had to pee again.  At 7:45 pm, I got up and felt what was like a rip inside of me.  I went to the bathroom and there was a lot of blood.  Struggling to change my clothes, I yelled at Brennon that we had to go to the hospital.  Him, knowing my stress and worry the last week, said it is probably just spotting.  As I screamed at him again, he knew something was wrong, rushed me to the hospital.

Sitting in the ER waiting room, drenched in my own blood, waiting.....
I tried calling my mom, and my mother in law, and then I called them both again with no answer.... 
and I cried.  I was shaking and couldn't stop. Looking back now, I  know I was completely in shock.

At 21 weeks, my doctor was called and I was rushed to delivery.  My doctor came and said I was 1 cm dilated.  She ordered an ultrasound and wondered if my placenta had ripped a little bit.  She called the high risk doctor in Des Moines (My first official Dr Drake meeting) and it was decided I would be life-flighted to Methodist.  I saw my child on ultrasound and I was prepped for life flight.  I remember being in that little helicopter, staring at the night sky, and praying for my baby. I also felt my baby really drop.

As I was settled into my room in Des Moines, I met Dr Lehman.  If I haven't mentioned her before, she is my OB now, and a wonderful, wonderful person and doctor.  I can't imagine trusting my pregnancy with anyone else, but for now I must get back to my story.  She checked and I was dilated to 7.  This was not good, at this point, it was to late for any medical interventions.  I didn't quite understand yet, but it meant that I would be delivering my baby.

An ultrasound was ordered, and the high risk nurse from Dr Drake came in for the ultrasound.  I can't even begin to tell you the emotions that were felt, seeing a healthy baby moving and waving and announcing it was a boy, and knowing that this might be the last time I saw my baby alive.  At 10:30 pm my husband, mom and Brennon's mom came in and we were able to share the news that he was a boy.  What I didn't know at the time, was my baby could not be saved.
We waited.  I was put into a trendenburg position* to try and pull the baby away from cervix.  I don't remember much except the extreme pressure and back pain (back labor) that I was experiencing.

* Trendenburg position - the body lays with the feet higher then the body by 15-30 degrees to keep
the weight of the baby off the cervix.

21 weeks - 4 days:  At 3:30 am, my water broke and they went to get the doctor.  They brought in the items needed for delivery and I screamed at God.  I didn't yell - I screamed at Him.  Knowing that this was it and my baby was not developed enough for the NICU.  I prayed, I pushed twice, I thanked God for my baby, and Carter Grant was born .  I cried and I noticed 2 nurses in the corner crying with me. My life had officially changed.

I was so scared to see him.  I was so scared of how underdeveloped he would be... and then I held him, this perfect looking little boy, with all of his fingers and all of his toes.  In my mind, he opened his eyes.  I still swear to this day, he opened his eyes, but know that at this gestation his eyes would still be fused shut.  Carter's heart beat until 7:05 am.

At 8 am, I met Dr Drake.  Although, crying and adamant,  I was not having any more babies.  She explained my diagnosis, future prevention and that at some point I would come see her because I would want another child.  She talked about a cerclage* and placing it preventatively at 13-14 weeks gestation.

*Cerclage - A cervical cerclage or cervical stitch is a treatment for cervical incompetence, where the cervix starts to shorten and open to early during pregnancy.  There are 3 types of cerclages.

I spent the rest of the day, surrounded by my family, holding my baby, and asking myself over and over again.  "What do I do now"?

Fast forward, 1 year, I was on strict bed rest with twin boys at 21 weeks 3 days gestation, and I was having contractions.  Remember the silent contractions that I felt with Carter.  These were more intense, but not realizing what exactly they were, because I had never felt them before.  I was blaming the pressure on  a fiber one bar, because I was feeling the need to poop (push). 4 days later, despite having a preventative cerclage, the weight of the babies was to much for the cerclage and I was placed on hospital bed rest because Jase and his bag of water was starting to slip through the cerclage.    Jase's butt was at the time acting as my cerclage. Thankfully, I was able to keep my babies inside for at least two weeks.  I went into labor at 22 weeks and 6 days, the cerclage had broke and was removed and my contractions stopped.  I was also able to talk to the NICU and begged for them to attempt to save my babies even though they were not yet what is considered viable until 24 weeks.  I held the babies in until 23 weeks and 3 days when infection threatened me and the babies .. and Jase and Kaleb were born.  My second experience with an incompetent cervix.

Ultrasound Picture of Jase - 
20 Weeks 3 Days
Cervical Length:  Funneled to the Stitch and Put on Bed Rest

Ultrasound Picture of Kaleb
20 Weeks 3 Days

(My boys all look the same in an ultrasound.)

And it is because of that, I have a spit fire of a 3 year old, who has overcome all odds and our greatest blessing.  God answered my prayer and allowed me to be the mama of a special needs little boy, who I have no doubt will be a productive member of his community and will continue to overcome all obstacles he is faced with.

I am also reminded that my cerclage was doing it's job with Jase and Kaleb - A twin pregnancy is so different then a single baby pregnancy.  There are two babies, two bags of water, two placentas, extra blood flow, fluid etc.  This is how I know we can make it farther then 21 or 23 weeks this time.  It just doesn't stop the worry.

And here we are 21 weeks 3 days pregnant with my newest little boy, and my third experience with a cerclage.  This time I have two McDonald stitches instead of just one.  I know that my cerclage is holding tight, but still scared out of my mind that my cervix could change at any time.  As I sit here and wonder if my back pain is caused from my growing belly or those silent contractions that seem to happen with incompetent cervix.  If only I had a ultrasound scheduled for this week.

Another day - Another game of :  "IS this symptom urgent OR is it a harmless pregnancy symptom?"

Let's see -  

"Is it bowel or uterine cramping?  

"Could that feeling be my belly be growing or is my baby about to fall out any minute?"

REALLY, Who Knows??

"Is that gush I felt, urine or is that amniotic fluid?"

"Do I have to poop or is that pressure on my cervix?"

"Was that a contraction or a gas bubble?"

And if you call the doctor or go to the hospital and every thing is fine, you are an idiot and if you second guess your body, and then wait to long to go to the hospital, you are an idiot. 
There is no winning! 


So back to the basics and the reason I know I need a cerclage.

Did You Know?

-  Incompetent Cervix is most likely to happen between 16 and 24 weeks of pregnancy - 

-  Symptoms of incompetent cervix can also be normal pregnancy symptoms.

-  During pregnancy, as the baby grows and gets heavier, it presses on the cervix. If the cervix is incompetent or weakened, it will lead to miscarriage or premature delivery.  This happens in about 1 in every 100 pregnancies.

I just happen to be the 1 in those 100 pregnancies.

-  Incompetent Cervix is often not diagnosed until you have had 1 or more 2nd trimester losses.

- If you have an incompetent cervix, you might not experience any signs or symptoms as your cervix begins to open during early pregnancy.  Mild discomfort, mucus plug like discharge or spotting over the course of several days or weeks is possible.  Symptoms can start as early as 14-20 weeks of pregnancy.  The riskiest time for incompetent cervix is 16-24 weeks.  It seems my riskiest time is 20-24 weeks.

Symptoms include:
 - a sensation of pelvic pressure
- backaches
- mild abdominal cramps
- change in vaginal discharge
- light vaginal bleeding

I know four things - 

1.  I can't wait to be 24 weeks so that I can say this is the longest I have been pregnant, and 24 weeks is officially viability - although I pray that I will not give birth this early.  The NICU stay is long, exhausting.  I remember looking at my small baby and wondering what we were doing?  I saw him struggle.  I saw him cry with no noise because of the breathing tube.  I saw the doctors trying to put miniature iv's in and look for veins smaller then a pencil line. I remember wondering at the time, if what we were doing was right.  Were we selfish in the fact that we didn't want to say goodbye, so we allowed all of these life-saving measures?  I know that if I was hooked to that many machines, at this time in my life, what my answer would be. Looking at Jase now, I know we made the right decision, but I also know that we were/are prepared to give Jase everything in life to succeed.  It also means a lot of doctor appointments, therapy appointments, struggles and sacrifices.  We have had to put our child's care first and I have yet to meet a 24 weeker that doesn't have some sort of therapy.

2.  I can't wait to be 28 weeks.  I am reassured that by that gestation, my baby will be to big to just fall out.  At that point, I will have signs of premature labor... and then 32 weeks, and 35 weeks.  Although I am praying and hoping that we will make it to my 37 week c-section.

3.  I am so, so very blessed with the best family and friends.  This pregnancy has been difficult in the fact that it is high risk, the emotions involved and the sacrifices we have had to make.  I had big plans for this summer with Jase, and had even considered when I would go back to work... You know like not for another year or so....  I don't mind postponing my plans for the summer, but it has been difficult utilizing a one household income with two household bills.  Who knew we relied so much on that part-time job.  A huge shout out to family and friends who have bought us groceries, helped pay the water bill, gave Jase junk food to share with me,  and watched my child on to many occasions, so that I could be on bed rest.  Your help, your graciousness is greatly appreciated and I hope that I can again pay it forward one day.

4.  Brennon and I are extremely thankful for our team of doctors.  I am extremely pleased that I am blessed with Dr Drake and Dr Lehman as my doctors.  I couldn't ask for a more informed, more educated, more caring people to be a part of my pregnancies.

And Here We Are - 

Today, I am 21 weeks 3 days, and I have officially felt all the emotions I need to feel today.  I know that I am not having any symptoms of an incompetent cervix.  Or at least I think that what I am experiencing is normal pregnancy symptoms.  I also know that I am extremely thankful to have Jase and I am extremely thankful for this surprise pregnancy.  I know better then anyone that worry does not change the outcome... It is just so difficult not to worry when you love this little boy more then you could ever imagine.  He is already such a huge part of our family.

Baby #4
Gestation in Picture - 20 weeks 4 days
Cervical Length - 4.6 cm
Next Ultrasound:  July 11, 2017 - 22 Weeks 4 days

Until Next Time -
Thanks for letting me ramble.


Saturday, June 17, 2017

19 Weeks!

Today I am 19 Weeks 1 Day Pregnant - 

18 More Fridays


125 More Days


   2990 More Hours 

Until We Meet Our Baby Boy!


Jase is super pumped!

He kisses my baby belly good night every single night. 
He tells the baby numerous times a day how much he loves him.
And daily, I am reminded how blessed we are.

Again knowing, the best gifts in life, are often a surprise.

Gestation in this Picture: 18 Weeks 4 Days
Gestation Now: 19 Weeks 1 Day
(Only 4 Weeks and 3 Days until I can officially say this is the longest I have been pregnant!)
Heart Rate: 154
Baby Weight: 9 oz
Cervical Length:  LONG and Closed!!! WOOHOO

Today, my cervix is holding strong and the baby is healthy.

Today, we are one day closer.
Today, we choose faith over fear.

Every day we are reminded how thankful we are, 
and we focus on living for today, not the what ifs of tomorrow.

Today, I am 19 Weeks 1 Day Pregnant - (I just like saying that!)

My motto for 19 Weeks -  "Does this shirt make me look fat or pregnant?"

This week seems to be the in between stage where you look in the mirror and wonder if that is a baby bump or the 3 pieces of pizza you consumed for dinner....

I know I need to be watching my food intake just a little bit better, considering that my lack of activity, bed rest, and high risk pregnancy, puts me more at risk for excess weight gain and gestational diabetes.

On a good note, we tested my blood sugar Tuesday with a  lovely number of 83.

This is great news considering I crave cake and sprite... 
both of which should be consumed in very limited moderation.

List of Things I Can't/Shouldn't Have - 
1. Alcohol (duh)
2.  Sugary Foods and Sugary Drinks 
3. Limited Caffeine 
4.  Diet Soda
5. Exercise
6. Sex 
7. Employment

List of Things I Should Have - 
1.  Water ... This is the easy one.
2. Healthy Food - Protein and Vegetables  (Does Casey's Veggie Pizza Count?)

Although, let me be honest, I need to be a little better about #2 on both lists during this pregnancy!

I wish my pregnancies were easy - I would love to say that I have no worries.  
In the back of our minds, we know that this is still a high risk pregnancy, 
we know the what ifs, and the issues that could occur.  

We know the struggle of Brennon going to work, some weeks he is at work more then he is home.
We know the struggles of a one-household income with  two-household bills.
We know that this pregnancy will be over in a few months, 
and the bills adding up will slowly be paid again.

To battle my worries, I continue with limited activity, modified bed rest, while relaxing and taking life easy, and working on a healthy diet.... because, we know that I am not the only mama with a high risk pregnancy. I know that someone else is praying for the things we have right now.  I know there are mamas with incompetent cervix who are praying just to make it past 19 weeks.  I know there are mamas who are battling infertility right now, that just wish they were pregnant.  I see you Mama and I am praying for you too.  I am reminded that God doesn't give us the dream, if He doesn't have a plan to make it happen.

We Know Faith,
We Know Hope,  
and We Know LOVE

because God is doing new things in our lives.

We know that the struggles, the sacrifices, and the worry will all be worth it, 
when we hold our baby in our arms.

Because, more then anything - 

We  know that each day we are closer to our goal of a healthy baby.

We hope and pray for the opportunity to bring a full-term baby home from the hospital.  
We hope to experience the joy of holding a strong, breathing baby shortly after birth.

To hold my baby with tears of joy instead of tears of sorrow.

The tears leak down my face, as I pray silently for all of those things, and I know, 
worry does not change the future, it robs today of it's joy.

So, today, I pray for my sons, for my pregnancy, for my body to be healed.
I will remind myself how great my body is doing right now and I will focus on that, 
not the worry of the next few weeks.

Upcoming Appointments - 

June 27th - OB Appointment and Perinatal Appointment Ultrasound with Anatomy Scan (because my baby refused to stop moving during the last one) and Cervical Check

July 13th (22 Weeks Pregnant) Ultrasound and Cervical Check

I will make it to 37 Weeks!
Until next time - 

A prayer always for my sons!

Friday, June 9, 2017

18 Weeks!

Here I am!!! 18 weeks pregnant and almost to the half way point - my halfway point!  

A lot has happened since I updated last.  
Of course if you are on my Facebook page,  you know as much as I do about this pregnancy.

At 16 weeks pregnant, we started weekly progesterone shots!
I am thankful that I haven't had an side effects from the shot, 
and I secretly believe that Nurse Brennon enjoys giving the shot every Friday morning.

At 16 weeks, we also found out Baby #4 is a BOY!
Jase is pumped to be a big brother, and he has told us all along that this baby was a boy, 
even though, mom and dad was sure the baby was a girl.
We have our names narrowed down - who knew that naming boy #4 would be so difficult?!

I am still hanging out in my bed / chair - allowed up for 2 hours at a time.
I feel really good - I don't feel high risk, and I know I have a couple more weeks before the baby is big enough to cause changes to my cervix - but I am following this advice to give my cervix as much relief as possible because I will stay pregnant until 37 weeks! We are extremely hopeful that the cerclage, progesterone, pelvic rest and restriction activity will allow us to carry to term.

I am still practicing my daily affirmations of Faith.  I will stay pregnant until 37 Weeks!
I have a great team of doctors who are knowledgeable and care about me and the well-being of this baby and pregnancy.

In my heart, I also know that this baby was a gift from God.  Brennon and I were sure that we would not have anymore children.  We were always told, that we couldn't have an unplanned pregnancy with out doctors, timed sex and monitoring.  Now, I know that we can.  

When we least expected it, we became pregnant.

I remember when we were struggling with infertility, well-wishers would always say, "It will happen when you least expect it" - I hated that comment.  I wanted a baby now, not when I stopped trying.  And here we are expecting - when we least expected.
Who knew, loosing 35 lbs, finding peace with having just Jase, and a few beers would allow us this blessing. 

I feel different this time - maybe because I wasn't forcing my body to get pregnant with Femera, or timing my sex during ovulation, or every other day, making sex a chore you marked on the calendar, accepting that we were blessed with our family exactly how it was. 

Maybe it is overcoming the disappointment of the unknown and owning this pregnancy, knowing that with God on my side, the best doctors, and a loving, dedicated husband we can overcome all obstacles in our way.

Hey, guess what.  I think I have found my zen in the second trimester!

And, my blood pressure has never been so great.

Up Next:
Tuesday, June 13th -  Anatomy Scan - Praying for a healthy baby and strong cervical length!