Monday, January 26, 2015


What a week last week was.....

Jase is on the move!  Everyone wants an open concept living area - until they have a 1 year old.  Jase has been everywhere this past week.  I found that I can baby road block the living room, but I have to continually set it up as Jase can also break though -  in search of the cat - or  a stray cheeto he sees on the floor - or more importantly the wind chime that I had forgotten about in the dining room.  AND now, he has figured out how to crawl up on to things.  Honestly, I am so thankful that he is moving that I don't care - but it doesn't give me a moment to sit down.  Housework - Impossible! 

What's the point you ask?

I feel like all I do is run around, and yet for the last few months all I have done is gain weight.  I don't eat regular meals - and when I do,  I am usually shoveling it in my face.  I have been working at the Elks in the evenings and there isn't always an opportunity to eat - and if I do, I am sure the bag of cool ranch doritos or bacon egg cheeseburger is probably not the right choice.  Even the salad I eat on the go is covered in ranch dressing.  I am running around with my head cut off, and I am sure that the choices I am making are not the right ones.  For a year after the boys were born, I felt like my metabolism was actually working.  I might not have been loosing weight - but I wasn't gaining either. When Jase turned one - it all changed.  And so did the weather. And being home bound more often, and soup and stews and butter and bread - true comfort food happened. And my stress didn't go away, it just reorganized.  There - those are my excuses - out in the open for everyone to read.

So now - the question is.... what am I going to do about it?  Isn't that the point #noexcusesmama

I can no longer wonder if I am having a heart attack or how high my blood pressure is or my cholesterol is.  I hate that my feet hurt when I get out of bed due to the extra weight I am carrying, or that I have to lay  down on the bed to button my last pair of jeans.  I am already predestined to be chubby - so why make it easier for myself to be so unhealthy.  I just realized that if I loose even 10% of my body weight, I loose a Jase.  Pretty much tells you how much I weigh - but I don't care, it is time to be accountable.  It is time to loose the almost 30 lbs I have gained since September!

I AM DONE - I am done being overweight -
                              I am done being unhealthy -
                                       I am done being a yo - yo -
                                            I am done not feeling well -
                                                      I AM DONE BEING FAT!

I am ready to make changes - for my husband, for my son and most importantly for ME.  
Here is to my 12 Week Challenge.

So, today is Day 1 of being accountable!  I have a work out partner.  I have exercise shoes and I have the desire.  Now, I have to find the motivation.  Because I have already considered a million excuse to back out and begin tomorrow.  :)

Day 1:
Goal:  Go to the YMCA - Renew my membership and walk.
Motivation:  I want to be healthier today then yesterday.
                   In Callie's words - "We can do this. (I think)!"

Feel free to join me on this journey - I need a lot of people to make me accountable.  Possibly to YELL at me to stop making excuses.

See ya later!  Melissa

Day 1 Photo - AHHHH -  I am the only one with a double chin.  We can do this  - 12 Week Challenge - Here we come! :)

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