Wednesday, January 28, 2015

What's New January - What's New Jase?

Christmas is over - The house is back to normal and we are trying to find our routine.  It really was great to have Daddy home for long weekends over the holidays.  This is the first month of the New Year... and I am making it my goal to update my blog more then once a year.  It should be pretty easy, since I have Jase to keep my life busy.  Jase is now 16 months old - Adjusted to 12 months. Where does the time go?  I am quickly learning that my baby is no longer a baby.  He is growing into a little boy who continues to amaze us with new things he can do every day.

What is really amazing is where we were just a year ago.

Last year on January 19th - Jase came home from the NICU.

I still think back to those first few days of last year, of the extreme emotions Brennon and I felt - I am so thankful that we had such a blessed year but sometimes those emotions still overcome me.  We went from the NICU where we spent every day together to being home, where Brennon was working again and I was home bound.  I am thankful that we are not so extremely home bound this year.

 Keep Calm and Change Jase's Diaper 
We still spend quite a bit of time at home.  Because of the cold and flu season and the fact that the flu shot is less effective, we haven't exposed Jase to many situations this winter.  I know that some would say that we have to expose him some time, but I really want his lungs and his immune system to be as strong as possible first.  We have went to PT this month at Blank Children's Hospital and I really would like to wrap him in a bubble to keep him safe from sick germs.  We also have not taken him to any stores or restaurants, but we did take him to the Elks for a couple of hours on Saturday and of course to see family!.  Brennon and I continue to say that we have to look at the risks and benefits and make decisions based on what is best for Jase not what is best for us.
What is amazing is how much difference a year makes!
Jase continues to have a fight or flight response to doctors and hospitals.  During the last few months, the only place he has gone is to doctor appointments, the surgery center and physical therapy.  We have decided that if the weather is nice and the people we are around are healthy, we will include Jase in our socializing.  This way he understands that he can experience other people in a safe environment while mom and dad are near, but he is surrounded by other people.  This will hopefully break up all the negativity of having to be poked and prodded, stretched and massaged while at PT and the doctors office.  So, when experiencing something new, Jase won't automatically be fearful that it will hurt.

Jase did have his first snyagis shot on the 19th.  Because he is 20 lbs 14 oz, he had to have two shots.  We went ahead and didn't postpone the pain by poking him at the same time.  He wasn't very happy with me - but I can't figure out if it was the shot or the fact that he hadn't napped.  For those of you who don't know what synagis is - Synagis is a prescription medication that is used to help prevent a lung disease caused by RSV (respiratory syncytial virus). This medication is for premature babies and babies with severe lung disease or disorders.   Synagis is given as a shot once a month through RSV season, which in our area is usually November - April.  Jase should have received the shot the month before RSV becomes active to protect him, but because of insurance pre-approval, as well as busy doctors having to submit mountains of paperwork, Jase was finally approved in December and received his shot in January.  Jase receives this shot every 30 days to protect him.  Although, Jase could still acquire RSV, this monthly shot should make it less severe.  Find out more information about RSV at .

We visited Grandpa and Grandma Zellmer, Daddy and Drew at Culligan this month.  Jase loves Harley Dog, crawling around the shop, and playing with all of Bradie's toys.  He tried to pick up the water bottle and doesn't quite understand how Daddy does it so easily. :) Future Culligan Man in Training.

This month, Jase continues to amaze us.  He continues to pull up to everything and he can get down from standing.  He can crawl up on Grandma's coffee table and his train table and then cries to get down. Slowly but surely, he is realizing that he can't get down head first.  Jase is quickly finding his voice and screams at you until you pay attention to him.  I am quickly learning that he has to have the attention all of the time.   AHH - but the look on his face if you scream back.

Jase spends his days busy learning, and playing, and cuddling....

And, are these two related?  I love these two pictures.  I never realized how much Jase and Daddy look alike when sitting side by side.  Grandpa and Grandma Lindley bought Jase a train table and he loves it.  It is just his size and he can sit and play with Daddy all night.  We are a big fan of Go! Go! Smart Wheels! and we are quickly collecting each part of the town and tracks.  We figured that if we bought each play set for Jase, it would fit the entire perimeter of our spare bedroom.  Oh how much fun Jase will have with these toys as he grows.

                                                    Guess what else is new??

Jase loves pictures.  Now that Jase is always on the move, crawling, pulling up to furniture and cruising around, he has noticed new pictures that he thinks are toys.  His favorite pictures this month is Great Grandma and Grandpa McCloud, his cousin Bradie, and a picture of his Mama with his cousin Clint. He takes them down, talks to them, kisses them and just looks at them.  It doesn't matter how many times you take them away and put them back, he finds his way back to the same pictures every time.
Oh well - who can say no to that cute little face.  Well, I can, if it something that will hurt him.  Picking your battles is so easy - and what harm can he do to a few pictures.  Plus it warms my heart to hear him jabber and kiss his favorite pictures.  It makes me realize that I will have to make him his own photo book this month of his favorite people.  What a great book idea.

He is also all about feeding himself - How about a little orange lunch? Ravioli and Carrots - two of Jase's favorite foods. He is also a fan of mashed potatoes, cheese soup, hamburger and just recently he has decided he does like pasta.  He still dislikes anything cold.  He is NOT a fan of cottage cheese, ice cream, ranch dressing or sour cream.  

BUT - His absolute favorite is GRILLED CHEESE and BEEF STICKS!

Now that Jase has his bottom molars in, he is really starting to eat again... AND SLEEP! His mom and dad are completely excited to catch up on a couple months of sleep.  Speaking of sleep - Jase has been sleeping in his crib all night without waking up!  And sleeping for 10-12 hours at a time!  We are so excited.  Jase is drinking whole milk mixed with 2 scoops of formula for the extra calories.  Jase also tried new food this month.  He had his very first oreo and wasn't really that excited about it.  Give him ranch puffs over oreos any day.  I had hoped to create a little cookie monster. :)

P.S - Someone should warn a Mama about whole milk and reflux.  I learned the hard way this month.  It was my fault though - I should have known better to give him a drink of juice with his medicine.  Don't worry, I will spare you the picture.  But I may be cleaning cottage cheese of the television well into February!

We loved the weather this month and I can't tell you how pumped we were with the mild temps.  Remember that day the temperature was close to 60 degrees? Jase and I spent a short time outside.  He wasn't a big fan of the sun - but he loved our short walk around the house and the fresh air... and we met Daddy at his truck when he got home from work.  We were going to walk to Great Grandma's house for lunch today, but it was still to cool at lunch time. So we drove instead. I was only a little disappointed that we couldn't walk.  Jase loves the stroller and I know he loves Great Grandma even more.     We can't wait to visit more often! We are officially ready for spring weather.

Jase ended the month over 21 lbs.  Throw out the 12 month pajamas they barely fit!  Why do pajamas seem to run so much smaller then regular clothes?  Jase is walking with his little musical giraffe toy - and can make it across the living room before he decides crawling is faster.  Plus, he has all 4 of his canine teeth coming in!  So far, with a few doses of Tylenol he hasn't complained much about the pain. 

It has been an exciting month at the Zellmer house.
I told you Jase was doing some amazing things.

This Mama and Dada has also been very busy this month.  Brennon is still working at Culligan and he continues to be an amazing dad in the morning and the evenings when he is not at work.  I love being a stay home mama and really do believe that Jase is doing amazing things because we play together every day. I have Callie, my work out partner and I have decided this month to start my #noexcusesmama attempt to loose weight and get healthy - I am only down 4 lbs so far, but let me tell you staying home all day, with very little outside exercise and home cooked meals is a struggle for sure.  (I hope you have enjoyed our recipes!)  I am still working at the Elks part-time and enjoy my socialization away from home - but I have decided I am not in my 20's anymore and 2 am is hard on me the next day.

                       I do know one thing.....

We Sure Are Ready for February!

Here's to a healthy February filled with no sickness, more weight loss and no more stress!  
Love, Melissa

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