Sunday, January 20, 2013

Chicken Gizzards - Yes or No?

Chicken Gizzards -  Brennon mentioned the other day that he really wanted chicken gizzards.  Off to the store I went...How was I going to cook them - I wasn't even sure I knew what they looked like.  So after breading, frying, and sautéing, they really did taste awesome. Actually,  I like any recipe that calls for sautéed onions and mushrooms in real butter! I will share my recipe in case anyone else likes them.

Ingredients Needed - 

1 lb of Chicken Gizzards
2 Cups of Milk
2 Cups of Flour, seasoned with Lowry Seasoning Salt and Pepper
1 Stick of Real Butter
1 Container of Fresh Mushrooms
1 Large Onion Sliced

Directions - 

1. Trim the Gizzards and Soak Gizzards in Milk.

2.  In a small bowl, mix together the flour with your favorite seasonings.  I keep it simple with seasoning salt and pepper.

3.  Heat Oil in Wok - on medium-high heat. I use a wok because the oil is the correct temperature to cook the gizzards without sticking to the pan.  You can use a skillet or a fry daddy if you prefer.

4.  Roll the gizzard in the flour mixture until covered.  Drop gizzard in warm oil.  Continue - I do 5-10 gizzards at a time.  I cook approximately 5 minutes and then turn over for another 5 minutes or until cooked completely.  Place on a paper towel.  Continue until all gizzards are fried.

 5.  Wipe out Wok.  Melt stick of butter.  Add mushrooms and sliced onions.  Cover and cook until they are sweated and a golden brown.  Add Gizzards - Mix together and Enjoy!

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